Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's Sunset

Hi, back to blog again. Supposed to update last week, but  postponed again! soryyyy ;(
i think in most of our life, a question frequently pop up to us that is among sunrise and sunset, which 1 you prefer?--I would choose sunset!

Sunset led me to passion and warmness in my heart! I would like to contrast my life now with sunset. Every single moment i have right now is so precisely good and i feel very contented. Thank you!

Unfortunately, after sunset it is a long dark night. Sunset is so short compare with a dark night.
Life is just like our daily routine, we can see that our joy and happiness is like sunset, it's always the fastest past time in the daily routine!
I would say no matter there is day or night, sunset or sunrise, as long as there is a companion together with you, i believe everything could be get through easier.

Life is just like a staircase, when you climb to the climax you must walk down or if you at the ground you might want to climb up. Non of us can stay at the climax or ground all the time. Although the route is chosen by you yourself, as long as our destination is the same, we still can break through together by not giving up!
Although after Sunset is a long dark night, if you have a companion in that night, you can make the difference! i Believe the night will be a great and memorable 1. I believe after breakthrough the long dark night together, we will see the beautiful sunrise together!



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